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der podcast
Wir laden dich herzlich zu unserer Entdeckungsreise durch die spannende Welt von Energy, Frequency & Vibration (EFV) ein.
TEASER / Hier starten
„If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.”
Nikola Tesla
Energy, Frequency and Vibration (EFV) sind nützliche Werkzeuge für unseren Fortschritt. Wenn wir von ihnen richtig Gebrauch machen, wird uns das Jahrhundertinnovationen bescheren.
Was sind das für (neue) Werkzeuge? Was lässt sich mit ihnen bewirken? Was für Menschen stecken dahinter? Unser Podcast liefert spannende Einblicke und Impulse zu diesen und vielen weiteren spannenden Fragen.
Letzte Episoden
Episode 008: Everything you say is great
He's too sound asleep, Mr. Stubb; go thou down, and wake him, and tell him. I must see to the deck here. Thou know'st what to say. Next morning the[...]
Episode 007: Action is the foundational key to all success
Next morning the not-yet-subsided sea rolled in long slow billows of mighty bulk, and striving in the Pequod’s gurgling track, pushed her on like giants’ palms outspread. The strong, unstaggering[...]
Episode 006: Everything you can imagine is real
Emblazonings, as of crowned Babylonian kings and queens, reigned over everything. The sea was as a crucible of molten gold, that bubblingly leaps with light and heat. Long maintaining an[...]
Episode 005: Turn Lights Down For a Moment
Ha, ha, my ship! thou mightest well be taken now for the sea-chariot of the sun. Ho, ho! all ye nations before my prow, I bring the sun to ye![...]
Episode 004: Stroke, Bold and Clash of the 80
Upon this every soul was confounded; for the phenomenon just then observed by Ahab had unaccountably escaped every one else; but its very blinding palpableness must have been the cause.[...]
Episode 003: When you high you are right
Long maintaining an enchanted silence, Ahab stood apart; and every time the tetering ship loweringly pitched down her bowsprit, he turned to eye the bright sun’s rays produced ahead; and[...]
Episode 002: Creek and Deep For the Mass
Striving in the Pequod’s gurgling track, pushed her on like giants’ palms outspread. The strong, unstaggering breeze abounded so, that sky and air seemed vast outbellying sails; the whole world[...]
Episode 001: Speak it loud behind a crowd
At regular intervals a rapper with such amazing capacity tags along it makes you question what’s conceivable in the class. Smino is one of those rappers. He’s not only an[...]